
General Information

poplar is one of the poplar wood producing yrees and this tree is bieng grown commercially in india poplar plant are grown throughout asia . Poplar plant grow at very fast rate and used mainly in wood and paper industry

Why TOMATO-RASILA tissue culture plants?

  • producing 5 lakh mahogany palnts .
  • Production capicity: more than 1 miliun per annum
  • 100% surely in variety .
  • virus nemetodes ,disease and pest free plants of 1/2 to 1 feet  height at the time of supply
  • Holding 31 secondry hardenning center's across india for timely of supply.
  • Strong after sales technical suports /service
  • Dedicated transport service for prompt delivery


Special service for customers

  • free home delivery 
  • 2 years technical guied lines
  • Replece ment of Damege plants in 40 days 
  • Agriculture officer visit time to time 
  • its service provided more than 10 units


Mood of Application / Agronomy

Soil : all type of soil without water logging is suitable for cultivating teak

Climatic : the mahogany require a warm ,humid climate and well draiend

Variety : swietenia macrophylla /swietenia mahogany

Season of planting : Company provided mature redy plants so transplant any time of the year when you suitable Feb- March-April (summer)June -july -Augest(monsun)and sepember- October-November (Early winter )may be expected any time of the year

Spacing : Healthy sapling are plantation space is 400 plant per acar 10 feet * 10 feet/ 5 ft* 10 Ft 800 plants are planting 200 plants space is 15 feet *15 feet while intercroping

Harvesting : Tissue culture raised plant .which are able to harvested quiker (10 to 12 year)with the aceppting wood quality at national and international market

Yield : At the best we may expect atree to produce a maximum 12 to 15 cubic feet timber in mature plants in 15 year under best conditions of intensive manegment varies with field coundition.

  • There are no need permissions for plantation of Mahogany
  • It generally superior plants growth and development depends upon Good booting contitution &for the soil
  • Suitable soil PH value between 5.0ph to 8.0 ph for plantation

