Sapota -chiku

General Information

Chiku is native of Mexico south America. this cultivated fruit is latex mainly uses in Chun gum. the Chiku is very high carbohydrate vitamins and antioxidants. Chiku is very high value crop. A part of its demand for fresh fruits and processed product Chun gum /candy .it is an ideal crop for the sustainability of small holding, as Chiku is well developing now days in semi tropical and topical area in India. for agriculture

Why Sapota -chiku tissue culture plants?

  • Producing 5 lakh chiku palnts .
  • Production capicity: more than 1 miliun per annum
  • 100% surely in variety .
  • VIrus nemetodes ,disease and pest free plants of 1/2 to 1 feet  height at the time of supply
  • Holding 26 secondry hardenning center's across india for timely of supply.
  • Strong after sales technical suports /service
  • Dedicated transport service for prompt delivery


Special service for customers

  • free home delivery 
  • 3 years technical guied lines
  • Replece ment of Damege plants in 40 days 
  • Agriculture officer visit time to time 
  • Its service provided more than 10 units

Mood of Application / Agronomy

Soil : Deep well drained loamy soils are best suited for Chiku cultivation

Climatic : Chiku crop can be cultivated in both tropical sub-tropical climate

Variety : pot sapota /Baramati/chhatri

Season of planting : Company provided mature reedy plants so transplant any time of the year when you suitable Feb- March-April (summer)June -July -August(monsoon)and September- October-November (Early winter) may be expected any time of the year

Spacing : Healthy sapling are plantation space is 400 plant per acar 10 feet * 11 feet are planting 200 plants space is 15 feet *15 feet

Harvesting : Chiku starts flowering after 1.5 to 2 years ofter 2-3 months of flowering. fruits are mature for harvesting

Yield : For initial 2 years 100to 200 fruits per plants. Which increase 500 to 800 fruits after 5 year 50 to 100 kg per plants varies with field condition.

  • There are no need permissions for plantation of Chiku
  • It generally superior plants growth and development depends upon Good booting contitution &for the soil
  • Suitable soil PH value between 5.8ph to 8.0 ph for plantation

